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LA-Based Denim Label Rewash Offers Alumna Lilan Piao Position in China

Lilan Piao graduated in 2016 with her degree in Merchandise Product Development and has been working as a product development assistant at LA-based denim company Rewash for more than a year now. A few months ago, she decided to move back to her home country, China. Rewash offered her an opportunity to work from Beijing and she accepted. We caught up with her to find out more.

Tell us a little about yourself: Hello! I am a creative, hardworking individual with experience in design and product development. I received my Associate of Arts Degree in Merchandise Product Development from FIDM Los Angeles. Formerly, I completed my coursework of Bachelor of Science Degree in Clothing & Textile Major in EWHA Womans University in Seoul, South Korea. I like all sports, traveling, animals, and coffee, and I love the Simply Salad located in front of FIDM haha (I used to go there every day). I have been working at an LA-based denim company more than a year now. I am a big fan of denim and casual wear. I love how denim can present all different temperaments of women—casual, sexy, chic, active, etc. My goal is to build a great denim brand in China.

Where are you working now? I have been working as a product development assistant at Rewash, an LA-based denim company, for more than a year now. A few months ago, I decided to go back to my home country, China, and my company offered me another great opportunity to work from Beijing for them. I fly to Shanghai one to two times a month to help shorten the time for the development process. So now, I'm still working for Rewash from Beijing, China and I love my job so much.  

How did you learn about FIDM? Before attending FIDM, I did a lot of research and learned that FIDM is one of the top fashion schools in the US. They have so many great instructors who are always trying to help all students with their full heart. After attending FIDM, everything I experienced proved that what l’d heard was all true! I could learn so many things that I really need when I work for any company, I could feel that I was not wasting time and tuition. FIDM instructors know exactly what students will need when they get a job and they always help students to figure out what they are good at and help them to develop in that field. Also, FIDM has great Career Center for students; we can always find good job opportunities through FIDM career networking. That’s how I found my job.

How did you decide on your major? I like design but I also like merchandising. I knew fashion is not only about creative thinking; it starts with a design but there are so many processes to go through after that. As a good designer, we should have the ability to find out what customers want, what the target costing will be, and if my design is available to be made in production, etc. I wanted to learn all about fashion and I thought the Merchandise Product Development major was the best option for me at that time.

How do you feel FIDM prepared you for what you are doing now? I love how FIDM helped me prepare for my first job. At the end of each quarter, I always found that I’d acquired so many skills. FIDM never wastes time teaching anything that’s not useful.
As an international student, what was it like to attend FIDM? Um...to be honest, I did not have many difficulties attending and adjusting to FIDM. There are a lot of international students in FIDM; we always could exchange our experiences and ask for help when we had problems. Also, we will get help and support from FIDM staff all the time. I just had so many concerns when I was about to graduate and find a job because as an international student, our biggest concern is a work visa. I worried that I could not get a job after graduation. My concerns were like: what if no company wants to hire me because I don't speak perfect English? What if the company doesn’t want to sponsor me for work visa? I had to worry about that even I did work hard.

But now, I can be so sure, there are always many companies who will hire and sponsor international students if you work hard and be confident! Just be prepared, keep knocking on doors, don't give up, and once you get the chance, don't forget to ask for the value that you think you’re worth!

Any advice for any international students considering FIDM as their college choice? It will be a great experience in your life! It will be nice if you can organize everything you learning in FIDM, make your own portfolio, keep upgrading your resume, try to design a fancy name card for yourself. I strongly suggest that you attend as many events/activities (check up FIDM website) as you can, that will bring you many good opportunities.

Also, there is one thing I really really want to advise for the international students. Please DO NOT waste your internship opportunities! Especially if you are doing a professional designation program, you will be able to start doing internships from your last quarter. So it will be great that you can do an internship in the company you really want to work for, so you can get a full time job from that company when you graduate from FIDM. Once you start your OPT, it's not easy for you to decide to change your job, so I suggest you be prepared at the beginning.

What is your biggest goal right now? For now, my goal is to do my best at my current new position in Beijing. This is the first time for the company to hire people to work for them overseas; I really appreciate this opportunity and will try my best to bring benefits to the company. At the same time, I will work on my own projects so I can start my own business after I get more experience.

Categories:  Merchandise Product Development International